Clean Up the World!

Céline Cousteau keeps it green!

Thank you Céline for this wonderfull interview which will be published on http://www.MyTree.TV soon.  Stay tuned!

Natur schützen heisst Kultur schützen!

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Datum: 16./17. März 2011

Location: Casino Kursaal Interlaken

The Cousteau Family – It’s A Family Affair, Fabien and Céline Cousteau

Celine Cousteau (Part 1-3)


Clean Up the World – What a great idea!

IMPRESSIONANTE! WOW! This lady speaks several languages fluently!


“From birth, man carries the weight of gravity on his shoulders. He is bolted to earth, but man has only to sink beneath the surface and he is free.”

–Jacques Cousteau

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